C.O.R.E. 2062 Safety Database
A collection of the industrial safety practices used and supported by FRC team C.O.R.E. 2062

First Aid Kit

Accidents happen. It’s a fact of life. When they do, it is vital to be prepared and the most versatile way to be prepared for a multitude of injuries is to keep a first-aid kit on hand. Not only must your first-aid kit be visible and readily available, but it must be stocked.

As time goes on, you will quickly run out of Band-Aids and antiseptic towelettes.  Be sure to regularly take inventory and restock as needed. Also, check for items that have expired. Burn creams and anti-bacterial creams will often have a shelf life of about 5 years.

Since you will need to respond to a variety of injuries, here is a basic list of items you should keep in your first-aid kit.

Band-Aids: the basic item and the most versatile. Keep several sizes on hand for different size lacerations.

Antiseptic towelettes: these should always be used before a band-aid to prevent infection.

Instant Cold packs: These are great for bruises and when the robot is dropped/rolls over someone’s foot.

Popsicle sticks: these make great finger-splints.

Gauze: Gauze is necessary for more severe injuries. With gauze, always remember to keep gauze tape to secure the bandage once applied.

Burn cream: If someone were to touch the end of a piece of hot metal soon after cutting it, they would be appreciative to have this on hand.

Scissors and Tweezers: These tools come in handy in many circumstances.

Nitrile gloves: Absolutely required to have in a first aid kit to prevent spreading Blood-Borne Pathogens (BBP. Better to use Nitrile due to latex allergies.