Game Discription

INFINITE RECHARGESM is played by two al­liances of three teams each. These two alliances work to protect FIRST City from approaching asteroids caused by a distant space skirmish. Each Alliance, along with their trusty droids, race to collect and score power cells in order to energize their Shield Generator for maximum protection. To activate stages of the Shield Generator, droids manipulate their Control Panels after scoring a specific number of Power Cells. Near the end of the match, droids race to their Rendezvous Point to get their Shield Generator operational in order to protect the city!

Official Game Rules

INFINITE RECHARGE is played on a 2 26 ft. 11¼ in. (~821 cm) by 52 ft. 5¼ in. (~1598 cm) carpeted area bound by and including the inward- and upward-facing surfaces of the guardrails and inward-facing surfaces of the ALLIANCE WALLS (except Chute surfaces and any surface beyond the face of the POWER PORT). It is populated with a SHIELD GENERATOR, TRENCHES, LOADING BAYS, and POWER PORTS. Each match be­gins with a 15-sec­ond au­tonomous pe­riod in which ro­bots op­er­ate in­de­pen­dently of hu­man con­trol. Dur­ing this pe­riod, ro­bots at­tempt to cross the initiation line and score Power Cells in their teams respective power ports.

Auto Point Values:

  • Crossing the initiation line – Value: 5
  • Power cell scored in a bottom port – Value: 2
  • Power cell scored in an outer port – Value: 4
  • Power cell scored in an inner port – Value: 6

Dur­ing the re­main­ing 2 min­utes and 15 sec­onds of the match, called the teleop pe­riod, ro­bots are con­trolled by stu­dent dri­vers from be­hind their alliance wall at the end of the field. Teams on an al­liance work to­gether to score power cells, energize their shield, manipulate their control panel, and race to the Rendezvous Point.

Teleop Point Values:

  • Power Cell scored in a bottom port – Value: 1
  • Power Cell scored in an outer port  – Value: 2
  • Power Cell scored in an inner port – Value: 3
  • Control Panel rotation control  – Value: 10
  • Control Panel position control – Value: 20
  • Endgame Hang – Value: 25
  • Endgame Park – Value: 5
  • Endgame Hang (Stages 1-3 active) – Value: 15

Al­liances are ranked by a com­bi­na­tion of their Win-Loss-Tie record, 65 or more points total, and stage three activated. A win is de­ter­mined by com­par­ing to­tal match points be­tween al­liances at the end of the match and earns an al­liance two rank­ing points. Ties earn an al­liance one rank­ing point. Earning 65 or more points at the end of the match earns each team on the al­liance one rank­ing point. Activating stage three of the shield generator will earn an alliance an ad­di­tional rank­ing point. Source

This year’s field


Unfortunately, the COVID-19 Pandemic hit us before we could compete in the Seven Rivers and Wisconsin regionals in spring 2020. We were able to fully design our robot, who would have been named “Reggie”, and had almost completed assembly of both our competition and practice bot before school shut down. We were unable to access our materials until August 2020, but we will be back for the 2020-21 school year!

Website Excellence Award