Game Discription

Aerial Assist is played by two com­pet­ing Al­liances of three ro­bots each on a flat 25’ x 54’ foot field, strad­dled by a truss sus­pended just over five feet above the floor. The ob­jec­tive is to score as many balls in goals as pos­si­ble dur­ing a two (2)-minute and 30-sec­ond match. The more Al­liances score their ball in their goals, and the more they work to­gether to do it, the more points their Al­liance re­ceives.

Official Game Rules

AER­IAL AS­SIST is played by two com­pet­ing Al­liances of three Ro­bots each on a flat 25’ x 54’ foot field, strad­dled by a light­ing truss sus­pended just over five feet above the floor. The ob­jec­tive is to score as many balls in goals as pos­si­ble dur­ing a 2 minute and 30 sec­ond match. The more Al­liances score their ball in their goals, and the more they work to­gether to do it, the more points their al­liance re­ceives.

The match be­gins with one 10-sec­ond Au­tonomous Pe­riod in which ro­bots op­er­ate in­de­pen­dently of dri­ver. Each ro­bot may be­gin with a ball and at­tempt to score it in a goal. Al­liances earn bonus points for scor­ing balls in this mode and for any of their ro­bots that move in to their zones. Ad­di­tion­ally, each high/low pair of goals will be des­ig­nated “hot” for five sec­onds, but the or­der of which side is first is ran­dom­ized. For each ball scored in a “hot” goal, the Al­liance earns ad­di­tional bonus points.

For the rest of the match, dri­vers re­motely con­trol ro­bots from be­hind a pro­tec­tive wall.  Once all balls in au­tonomous are scored, only one ball is re-en­tered in to play, and the Al­liances must cy­cle a sin­gle ball as many times as pos­si­ble for the re­main­der of the match. With the sin­gle ball, they try to max­i­mize their points earned by throw­ing balls over the truss, catch­ing balls launched over the truss, and scor­ing in the high and low goals on the far side of the field.

Al­liances re­ceive large bonuses for “as­sists,” which are earned for each ro­bot that has pos­ses­sion of the ball in a zone as the ball moves down the field. Points are awarded for each ac­tion per the table be­low/to the right


This year’s field

Our Robot

General Robot

Our ro­bot, Hermes, is well rounded, both of­fen­sively and de­fen­sively, with a catcher, shooter, and blocker. The ro­bot’s catcher can ex­pand to give us 40 inches of more space. The drive sys­tem al­lows both high torque and high speed. We de­signed our shooter as a cat­a­pult.


Robot Details

  • Weight 103.5 lbs (ap­prox­i­mate)
  • Height 59.5 in
  • Width 27.5 in
  • Length 28 inches
  • Light­weight cus­tom on-board com­pres­sor al­lows us to store twice the on­board pres­sure as pre-match com­pres­sion sys­tems
  • Versa frame and alu­minum item con­struc­tion


  • Tank drive
  • West coast set up
  • 6 4-inch wheels with co­ef­fi­cient of fric­tion of 1.2
  • Cen­ter wheels dropped 1/16 inch to al­low for eas­ier turn­ing
  • Two speed gear­box with a gear ra­tio of 5.60:1 in high gear and 16.36:1 in low gear giv­ing ap­prox­i­mate speeds of 15.0 ft/s and 5.5 ft/s
  • Uti­lizes four CIM mo­tors each with 337 watts of power


  • Roller ac­tu­ated to twenty inches out­side of frame with two, five inch stroke, pneu­matic cylin­ders do­nated by SMC
  • Roller pow­ered by Banebot RS-550 mo­tor with 254 watts for power to a 64:1 gear­box
  • Roller forces balls over the bumper and into the shooter


  • Cat­a­pult style shooter ten­sioned with spear gun tub­ing
  • Dri­ven with an ec­cen­tric cam con­nected to the shooter frame by two link­ages do­nated by Ze­man tools
  • Pow­ered by a Mini-CIM mo­tor with 229 watts of power to a 300:1 gear­box


  • PVC frame ac­tu­ated by two eight inch stroke pneu­matic cylin­ders
  • Catch­ers ac­tu­ate out 18 inches be­yond frame to al­low for max­i­mum catch­ing area and ac­tu­ate in­side the frame to avoid ac­ci­den­tally catch­ing an op­po­nent’s ball


  • ‘Cul­ver Drive’ sys­tem uses an­gle of turn­ing stick to pro­vide a more in­tu­itive in­ter­face to dri­vers.
  • Hot goal de­tec­tion abil­ity al­lows the ro­bot to make 10 point au­tonomous shots with very high ac­cu­racy
  • Au­tonomous pro­vides for both se­quen­tial “ac­tions” and long term back­ground tasks.
  • De­tects which goal is hot
  • Dri­ves for­ward, and shoots
  • Dri­ver sta­tion in­ter­face al­lows us to pro­vide the dri­vers with real-time in­for­ma­tion on the ro­bot sub­sys­tems, in­clud­ing the sta­tus of the on­board com­pres­sor.

Our Success

2014 Wisconsin Regional

From March 20th to the 22nd, we attended the 2014 Wisconsin Regional. We ended 44th seed  and did not win any awards, but we were happy to have played.

2014 Midwest Regional

From April 3rd to the 5th, we attended the 2014 Midwest Regional. We ended 20th seed and were eliminated in the semi-finals. We also won the Judge’s Award.

Website Excellence Award