Game Discription

Two teams of three ro­bots each com­pete against each other on a field. They try to get tubes on pegs on the other side of the field. At the end of the game, they de­ploy lit­tle ro­bots onto poles, try­ing to get up first. This year is the 20th an­niver­sary of FRC, and also the first year with mini-bots.

Official Game Rules

FIRST LO­GO­MO­TION is played on 27 foot X 54 foot field. Two 3 team al­liances (red & blue) com­pete to hang in­flated plas­tic shapes, aka Logo pieces (tri­an­gles, cir­cles, and squares), on their scor­ing grids. The game starts with a 15 sec­ond au­tonomous pe­riod in which teams at­tempt to hang yel­low tubes (Übertubes) on their scor­ing pegs. Tele­op­er­ated (dri­ver con­trol) starts and teams race across the field to one of the four feeder sta­tions. A hu­man player known as the feeder ei­ther pushes a Logo piece through the feed­ing slot or throws them over the al­liance wall. Ro­bots then hang these on their al­liances scor­ing grid. Any logo piece hung on the same peg as an Übertube re­ceives dou­ble points. If teams as­sem­ble the logo pieces on their scor­ing grids to form the FIRST® logo (tri­an­gle, cir­cle, square, in a hor­i­zon­tal row in that or­der), the points for the en­tire row are dou­bled.
The match ends with ro­bots de­ploy­ing mini­bots, small elec­tro-me­chan­i­cal as­sem­blies that are in­de­pen­dent of the host ro­bot, onto ver­ti­cal poles. The mini­bots race to the top of the pole to trig­ger a sen­sor and earn ad­di­tional bonus. Af­ter two min­utes and 15 sec­onds of to­tal game play the round ends and the score is to­taled up.


This year’s field

Our Robot


  • Height 59.75 in, Width 27.5 in, Length 37.5 in
  • Weight 115 lbs.
  • Speed 11.11 ft/s

Drive Train

  • Gear ratio is two sets of 14.5:1
  • Four CIM Motors
  • Mecanum wheels for excellent maneuverability


  • Two Banebot motors
  • Gear ratio of 64:1
  • Three stages
  • Uses item sliders
  • Extends to 101 in
  • Lifts from ground to top in 2.4 seconds
  • Limit switches are on the top and the bottom three stages (Main mast, Intermediate, Shuttle)


  • Double Polycord Conveyor system
  • Two Window motors (direct)
  • Turns tubes 180° for easy hanging in under 2 seconds
  • Great mobility and reliability

General Discription

Our ro­bot, named Daedalus, is de­signed to be fast, ma­neu­ver­able and re­silient. Our team de­cided on a gear ra­tio to give us max­i­mum speed while re­tain­ing a bal­ance of torque to score the max­i­mum num­ber of points. We have a Mecanum drive sys­tem to strafe and move as eas­ily as pos­si­ble. In au­tonomous mode, we line track to hang the übertubes. Dur­ing tele­op­er­ated pe­riod, Daedalus hangs tubes with great ac­cu­racy due to our cam­era sys­tem. By turn­ing the tubes up or down, we in­crease this ac­cu­racy and the abil­ity to score on all pegs suc­cess­fully. In or­der to be as re­silient as pos­si­ble, we used a gyro to keep the ro­bot ori­ented dur­ing a rough match. We have made our ro­bot as durable as pos­si­ble and used a gear box in­te­grated into our frame to pro­tect it dur­ing com­pe­ti­tions.

Our Success

2011 Wisconsin Regional

From March 10th to 12th we par­tic­i­pated in the Wis­con­sin Re­gional Com­pe­ti­tion, held in the US Cel­lu­lar Arena. In all, there were 53 teams. We ended qual­i­fi­ca­tion rounds at 4th place. For our al­liance we chose Teams 930: Mukwonago B.E.A.R.s and 1714: MORE Robotics, but 930 ended up get­ting re­placed with Team 2506: Saber Robotics. In quar­ter-fi­nals, our al­liance lost one round and lost the next: 0 to 31. Our team earned the Web­site Award

2011 10,000 Lakes Regional

From March 31st to April 2nd we par­tic­i­pated in the 10,000 Lakes Re­gional Com­pe­ti­tion, held in the Williams Arena on the Uni­ver­sity of Min­nesota-Min­neapo­lis Cam­pus. We learned from our ex­pe­ri­ences at the Wis­con­sin Re­gional to bet­ter our team and our ro­bot. Be­tween the two re­gion­als we de­vel­oped a new mini­bot and mini­bot de­ploy­ment sys­tem. We also con­tin­ued to im­prove our au­tonomous code to con­sis­tently hang an Übertube.

We ended qual­i­fi­ca­tion rounds at 6th place from a group of 63 teams. For our al­liance we chose Teams 2232: Deus ex Machina and 2545: Quantum Mechanics. In quar­ter-fi­nals, our al­liance lost one round and won the next; in the de­ter­min­ing round, our al­liance lost: 72 to 89. Our team earned both Rock­well Au­toma­tion’s In­no­va­tion in Con­trol Award and UL’s In­dus­trial Safety Award. Safety in C.O.R.E. is more than a con­cept or idea–it is a cul­ture. Our mem­bers dis­trib­uted safety man­u­als and gave safety pre­sen­ta­tions at the 10,000 Lakes and North Star Re­gion­als.

Other Components

Website Excellence Award