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Week 8 Build Season Update

Only 2 weeks left until our first competition in La Crosse, and CORE is getting prepared.
We are making significant progress on the robot. Mechanical attached the final coral manipulator to the robot, as well as making modifications to the elevator and making more progress on a climber. Design worked on elevator drawings, designing motor mounts and redid hex shaft mounting brackets. Controls helped prototype and mount the camera on the robot. Programming continued work on autonomous code.
Outreach submitted their Impact presentation boards and received those back on Saturday. They also designed and printed hundreds of buttons and continued updating the Judges Book.

Can’t wait for Seven Rivers!

Week 7 Build Season Update

Another week has flown by, and the robot is coming together nicely! Design continued working on the official manipulator parts. Mechanical worked on the climber and coral manipulators and elevator cascading and began prototyping an algae system. Controls helped prototype and made robot preparations. Programming worked on the elevator and a system to track April Tags.

Outreach continued writing their Impact presentation and finished the visual aids. They also worked on buttons for the presentation.

One final note is our team’s Instagram account also just reached 1,000 followers, so that’s a big milestone for us!

Week 6 Build Season Update

We are halfway to our first competition, and lots of progress is being made. Design finished elevator drawings and gave them to the Mechanical subteam. Mechanical was then able to finish and mount the elevator on the drive train. Programming continued all previous work from last week, and scouting helped work on the outreach video. Also, after weeks of drafting, writing and editing, outreach was finally able to successfully submit their Impact Award.

Week 5 Build Season Update

Officially 1 month has past since Reefscape was released. Our team is making great progress! We have a working climber and finalized a coral scoring prototype. Exactly 6 weeks until Seven Rivers Regional!

Week 1 and 2 Build Season Update (Prototyping)

2 weeks ago, FIRST released the 2025 FRC game, Reefscape. (If you didn’t see the release video, click HERE)

Since then, our team has been very busy preparing for our first competition in LaCrosse, Wisconsin on March 20-22. We have strategized, prototyped (and re-prototyped), built field elements, updated programming, and designed frames and parts. We’re finalizing prototype ideas to start manufacturing, and we plan on having a functioning robot by February 16th, just in time for us to attend a local scrimmage.

On the other side of the team, Outreach/business has also been very busy working on award submissions and preparing for the Wisconsin FLL State Championship, which is hosted by our team. 

9 weeks and counting until Seven Rivers Regional.

Reefscape Kickoff Overview!

On Saturday, FIRST revealed the 2025 FRC game, Reefscape. Our team spent the first half of the day going over safety protocols and other various slideshows. After the game was officially released, We spent the rest of the day talking about strategy, ways to play the game, and how to build our robot. We split up into separate groups, and came back with multiple ideas on how to succeed in this year’s game. We look forward to trying to overcome the challenges in the game!

2025 FRC Kickoff on SATURDAY!

The kickoff event we’ve all been waiting for is finally here! This Saturday, FIRST reveals the game we will be playing. We can’t wait!!

2024-2025 Preseason Kickoff (It’s finally here!)

After 5 long months since last season ended, the 2024-2025 FRC season has officially arrived, and with it, new members of the team. We hosted our Interest Night last Thursday, where we invited all high school students in the Waukesha school district to learn more about FIRST and CORE. About 15 new students have joined our team since the summer, and we are working hard to train and teach them all the skills they need to know.

We also had a busy summer. We attended 3 offseason competitions, visited multiple sponsors, participated in team bonding events, and demonstrated at Waukesha County Fair. But even after a fun and productive summer break, we’re ready to get back into the preseason!

2024 Leviathan Robotics Rampage Offseason Event

This past Saturday, our team competed at the first annual Leviathan Robotics Rampage Offseason Event. We headed up to Eau Claire a night early, then the next morning we loaded into the vans and headed to the event complex. We played 7 matches, and ended up 9th overall with 14 robots competing. We were selected in the second round by the 2nd alliance, with teams 930 Mukwonago BEARS and 5826 Avis Automata. We lost our first match, but won big in our second, which put us in the semi-finals. After an INCREDIBLE match, we ended up just losing by only 1 single point. While it was a disappointment, it was still an amazing time and a great event! Congrats to 8744 Leviathans for winning their own event!🥳

2024 Rock River Off-Season Robotics Competition

Last Saturday, our team competed in the Rock River Robotics Off-Season Competition. Before matches started, we made sure to drop off some non-perishable food items for the Rockford Food Drive. As soon as qualification matches began, we started off hot, winning 3 of our first 4 matches. After an unfortunate loss in our last qualifier of the day, we ended up placing 20th out of 33 teams. We were selected second by the 6th alliance, with alliance captain 1792 Round Table Robotics and alliance partners 461 Westside Boiler Invasion and 6651 Golden Bots. We lost our first match, but won the second. In a very close 3rd match, we ended up just losing by 7 points. We all had a bunch of fun competing against some pretty incredible teams!

Also, congratulations to 2238 Gear It Forward, 111 Wildstang, 112 Plus One, and 2704 Roaring Robotics for winning the event!

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