Game Discription

The Ul­ti­mate As­cent game is played be­tween two Al­liances of three teams each. The ro­bots have to shoot discs into their Al­liance’s goals, which are at var­i­ous heights with unique points. There are also two pyra­mids, one for each Al­liance, that the ro­bots can climb to gain points. The Al­liances have to try to gain as many points dur­ing the two minute match as they can

Official Game Rules

UL­TI­MATE AS­CENT is played by two com­pet­ing al­liances on a flat, 27 x 54 foot field. Each Al­liance con­sists of three ro­bots, and they com­pete to score as many discs into their goals as they can dur­ing a two (2)-minute and fif­teen (15)-sec­ond match. The higher the goal in which the disc is scored, the more points the Al­liance re­ceives. The match be­gins with a fif­teen (15)-sec­ond Au­tonomous Pe­riod in which ro­bots op­er­ate in­de­pen­dently of dri­ver in­puts. Discs scored dur­ing this pe­riod are worth ad­di­tional points. For the re­main­der of the match, dri­vers con­trol ro­bots and try to max­i­mize their al­liance score by scor­ing as many goals as pos­si­ble.The match ends with ro­bots at­tempt­ing to climb up pyra­mids lo­cated near the mid­dle of the field. Each ro­bot earns points based on how high it climbs.


This year’s field

Our Robot

General Robot

De­signed for fast, ac­cu­rate shoot­ing and climb­ing, this year’s ro­bot was cre­ated for our game strat­egy of scor­ing from be­hind the pyra­mid and at­tain­ing a 30 point climb.

Æther, the name of our ro­bot, refers to the ma­te­r­ial that makes up sky in Greek mythol­ogy. Æther is the per­son­i­fi­ca­tion and el­e­men­tal god of “the bright, glow­ing up­per air of heaven – the sub­stance of light” He em­bod­ies the pure up­per air, and since this year our main fo­cus is climb­ing, we hope to reach into that “up­per air”.

Our ro­bot, Æther, can:

  • Traverse the field quickly with Plaction wheels and Tank drive
  • Score into the high goal from behind the pyramid with an accurate fixed angle shooter
  • Score colored disks at the top of the pyramid
  • Climb up the corner of the pyramid with a multiple hook and tilter system

Our Success

2013 Lake Superior Regional

From March 7th to the 9th, C.O.R.E. went to the Du­luth En­ter­tain­ment and Con­ven­tion Cen­ter in Du­luth, Min­nesota to com­pete in the Lake Su­pe­rior Re­gional. We finished 16th seed and won the competition as well as the Safety Award!

2013 Wisconsin Regional

From March 21st to the 23rd, we went to the US Cel­lu­lar Arena to com­pete in the Wis­con­sin Re­gional. We finished 10th seed and were eliminated in the semi-finals. Team member Haley Bates-Tarasewicz won the Dean’s list finalist award as well.

Website Excellence Award