
We are a group of high school students and adult volunteers that learn, explore, and celebrate science and technology. Through the international organization FIRST, For Inspiration and Recognition in Science and Technology, we build a robot to compete each year. We experience excitement of the challenge, create life-long relationships, and have fun. But we do much more than that. Through collaboration and leadership from students and mentors, ours students develop work ethic, professionalism, and pride.

Our team encourages younger students to experience the same excitement of engineering through programs like FLL and VEX. The Waukesha VEX League Competition and League Nights are hosted by our team. Along with VEX, we also hold FLL competitions and encourage members to mentor FLL teams. In both of these venues, and in many others, we display our robot and enlighten them about FRC. Through this, we excite, inspire and celebrate engineering.

Recent News

Week 8 Build Season Update

Only 2 weeks left until our first competition in La Crosse, and CORE is getting prepared.
We are making significant progress on the robot. Mechanical attached the final coral manipulator to the robot, as well as making modifications to the elevator and making more progress on a climber. Design worked on elevator drawings, designing motor mounts and redid hex shaft mounting brackets. Controls helped prototype and mount the camera on the robot. Programming continued work on autonomous code.
Outreach submitted their Impact presentation boards and received those back on Saturday. They also designed and printed hundreds of buttons and continued updating the Judges Book.

Can’t wait for Seven Rivers!

Week 7 Build Season Update

Another week has flown by, and the robot is coming together nicely! Design continued working on the official manipulator parts. Mechanical worked on the climber and coral manipulators and elevator cascading and began prototyping an algae system. Controls helped prototype and made robot preparations. Programming worked on the elevator and a system to track April Tags.

Outreach continued writing their Impact presentation and finished the visual aids. They also worked on buttons for the presentation.

One final note is our team’s Instagram account also just reached 1,000 followers, so that’s a big milestone for us!

Week 6 Build Season Update

We are halfway to our first competition, and lots of progress is being made. Design finished elevator drawings and gave them to the Mechanical subteam. Mechanical was then able to finish and mount the elevator on the drive train. Programming continued all previous work from last week, and scouting helped work on the outreach video. Also, after weeks of drafting, writing and editing, outreach was finally able to successfully submit their Impact Award.

Week 5 Build Season Update

Officially 1 month has past since Reefscape was released. Our team is making great progress! We have a working climber and finalized a coral scoring prototype. Exactly 6 weeks until Seven Rivers Regional!

Website Excellence Award