C.O.R.E. Banquet 06.2.12

On June 2nd 2012, C.O.R.E. gath­ered to­gether for our an­nual ban­quet! A great time was had at De­matic.  We were ex­cited to have our spon­sor De­matic pro­vide space for our ban­quet.  We dined on a spaghetti din­ner brought by men­tors and desserts pro­vided by team mem­bers. We pre­sented awards to both men­tors and stu­dents, and said good­bye to our se­niors who we’ve shared four great years with! Over­all, a great time was had by all.

STEM for Girls 5.4.12

STEM for Girls is an event in which girls are in­tro­duced to ca­reers in­volv­ing Sci­ence, Tech­nol­ogy, En­gi­neer­ing, and Math­e­mat­ics. The venue for the event was Wauke­sha STEM Acad­emy, Saratoga Cam­pus. Girls in 6th-8th grade from all over the city were in­vited to the event. Af­ter an hour of free time to wan­der around and visit any booths that they pleased, each girl re­ceived a sched­ule that told them what three spe­cial­ized booths to go to. There was a wide va­ri­ety of choices rang­ing from tech ad­vice to speak­ers in the STEM field. Girls were ex­posed to many as­pects of STEM. This event was em­pow­er­ing and rev­o­lu­tion­ary in show­ing young ladies that they can suc­ceed in ca­reers re­lated to STEM.

C.O.R.E. 2062’s role in this af­fair was host­ing one of the many booths. Girl’s from all dif­fer­ent sub­teams on C.O.R.E. talked about be­ing a teenage girl and en­joy­ing the fun of ap­ply­ing their skills to ro­bot­ics. They dis­cussed what it is like be­ing on the ro­bot­ics team and how to bal­ance this and any other ex­tracur­ric­u­lars with the other as­pects of high school. They also talked about how every­one has a place on the team, even if they are not in­ter­ested in the ac­tual ro­bot.   CORE takes pride in hav­ing a bal­anced team with girls and boys tak­ing ac­tive, valu­able roles.




FIRST National Championship 4.27.12

safety award 2012 CopelandFrom April 27th to the 30th, C.O.R.E  2062 com­peted in  FIRST’s Na­tional  Cham­pi­onship Com­pe­ti­tion!  In our New­ton di­vi­sion there were one hun­dred teams.  Al­though we did not win New­ton di­vi­sion we did place 25th.  One of the high­lights of the event was when our ro­bot scored 4 balls in au­tonomous!  It was ex­cit­ing to watch the best teams com­pete on Ein­stein arena.  How­ever, some­thing much big­ger hap­pened. We won the Un­der­writ­ers Lab­o­ra­to­ries In­ter­na­tional Safety Award! This means that we have the best safety pro­gram out of 400 teams! It was a fan­tas­tic ex­pe­ri­ence for the en­tire team.  This was a mem­o­rable ex­pe­ri­ence for the team.

GE Take your Child to Work Day 4.12.12

Sev­eral C.O.R.E. mem­bers at­tended take your child to work day at GE. We pre­sented about FRC and we showed our an­i­ma­tion. Par­ents and chil­dren played with VEX and FRC ro­bots as well as looked at the set up of an FLL table. At the end of the day, sev­eral par­ents said that dri­ving the ro­bots was their fa­vorite part of the event.

Rockwell Spaghetti Dinner 3.31.2012

An­nu­ally Rock­well has a spaghetti din­ner fundraiser to sup­port the United Per­form­ing Arts.  We are happy to pro­vide an ed­u­ca­tional ac­tiv­ity for their par­tic­i­pants.  At this event, we make our ro­bot avail­able to drive for the adults and chil­dren to give them an ex­pe­ri­ence with FIRST.  We also pre­sent the FIRST LEGO League level of ro­bot­ics.  We part­ner with an FLL team that sev­eral of our stu­dents men­tor.

The pres­ence of Fll and FRC ro­botic teams at this event help high­light Rock­well’s com­mitt­ment to the FIRST com­mu­nity.


  Wisconsin Regional 3.22.2012

On March 22nd-24th, 2012, our team went to the Wis­con­sin Re­gional. We were the re­cip­i­ents of mul­ti­ple awards. We also won the Gra­cious Pro­fes­sion­al­ism™ Award, which is awarded to the team who rep­re­sents FIRST in the most pos­i­tive light. An­other of the most pres­ti­gious awards, Dean’s List,  is awarded to only two in­di­vid­ual stu­dents. One of our me­chan­i­cal sub­team lead­ers, An­nalyssa, is a Dean’s List fi­nal­ist. This award is pre­sented to stu­dents who ex­em­plify the ideals of FIRST. There was no bet­ter per­son to rep­re­sent our team and FIRST than An­nalyssa. In ad­di­tion to that, we also placed in the top 3 for Safety and 10 other awards. In the ac­tual com­pe­ti­tion it­self, we were ranked 14th. We made it to the semi­fi­nals with our al­liance that con­sisted of team 868, TechHOUNDS and team 2039, Rockford Robotics. In the semi­fi­nals, we lost in a ter­rific bat­tle against team 48, Delphi E.L.I.T.E., team 2826, Wave Robotics, and team 269, CooneyTech. This al­liance even­tu­ally went on to win the re­gional. The re­gional was not only fun, but a great learn­ing ex­pe­ri­ence for all of us, and we will use the knowl­edge we’ve gained to do even bet­ter at in­ter­na­tion­als!

 Project Lead the Way Conference 12.1.2011

On De­cem­ber 1, 2011, at the Pro­ject Lead the Way Con­fer­ence at Coun­try Springs in Wauke­sha, mem­bers Evan Gil­gan­bach, Emma Krauska, Aaron May, Ha­ley Bates, and Grant Wuer­slin talked about their ex­pe­ri­ences in FIRST. This was an ex­cel­lent way to meet teach­ers and en­cour­age them to start a FIRST team. A few teach­ers are se­ri­ously con­sid­er­ing start­ing a team and we will keep in con­tact with them to give them the sup­port nec­es­sary.

FIRST LEGO League Tournament 11.19.2011FLL students cheering

On No­vem­ber 19th, 2011, C.O.R.E. vol­un­teered at the FIRST LEGO League com­pe­ti­tion at Mar­quette Uni­ver­sity High School. There, our team sold con­ces­sions to the young stu­dents. A cou­ple of our mem­bers also helped out as ref­er­ees and kept the crowds cheer­ing as a mas­ter of cer­e­monies. It was ex­cit­ing to see a full house root­ing on a to­tal of 34 com­pet­ing teams. This com­pe­ti­tion was a ma­jor fundrais­ing event for C.O.R.E.

FIRST LEGO League Tournament 11.12.2011

FLL students on the field
On Sat­ur­day, No­vem­ber 12th, C.O.R.E. hosted the FIRST LEGO League tour­na­ment at Wauke­sha South High School in the field house. Our team ran the event, pro­vided vol­un­teers, pre­pared con­ces­sions, and helped the event run smoothly. We queued the teams up for the com­pe­ti­tion fields and for go­ing to talk to the judges. Some of the mem­bers of C.O.R.E. showed off the VEX ro­bots to the younger kids to get them in­ter­ested in con­tin­u­ing with FIRST and ro­bot­ics re­lated ac­tiv­i­ties. All in all, the feed­back C.O.R.E. re­ceived was pos­i­tive. The kids were very en­thu­si­as­tic to be able to work with the high school­ers. The field house was filled with cheers of joy as the pro­grams worked and cries of de­spair as the parts on the ro­bots broke. Par­ents sat in the stands and rooted on their fa­vorite teams. There were thirty-three teams par­tic­i­pat­ing in the event.

VEX High School Tournament 11.5.2011

On No­vem­ber 5th, 2011, C.O.R.E. 2062 hosted a VEX Tour­na­ment for high school stu­dents at Wauke­sha West High School. This year’s game is called Gate­way (for more in­for­ma­tion, click here). Af­ter get­ting the teams’ ro­bots weighed and mea­sured, the com­pe­ti­tion fi­nally started at about nine a.m. The gym was filled with ex­cite­ment as peo­ple cheered on their fa­vorite teams. Through­out the en­tire day, stu­dents were mak­ing quick fixes on their VEX ro­bots due to the wear and tear of matches. The ro­bots ranged from be­ing very sim­ple to com­plex. It was a day full of highs and lows as peo­ple won matches and ro­bots broke and teams won awards. C.O.R.E. queued the teams for matchs and ref­er­eed. At the end of the day every­one was ex­hausted but happy with how the day went.

Vex League Nights Fall 2011

Every Tues­day in Oc­to­ber, new C.O.R.E. mem­bers and mid­dle school stu­dents gath­ered in South High School’s cafe­te­ria to build their VEX ro­bots. With help from older mem­bers, the stu­dents as­sem­bled ro­bots to per­form a spe­cific task, based on this year’s game, Gate­way:

VEX Gate­way is played on a 12’x12’ square field. Two al­liances – one “red” and one “blue” – com­posed of two teams each, com­pete in matches con­sist­ing of a twenty-sec­ond au­tonomous pe­riod fol­lowed by two min­utes of dri­ver-con­trolled play. The ob­ject of the game is to at­tain a higher score than your op­po­nent Al­liance by Scor­ing Bar­rels and Balls in Goals, earn­ing Bonus Points and Dou­bling or Negat­ing Goals.

For the com­plete rules of the game, click here.

C.O.R.E. sold con­ces­sions and men­tored the younger stu­dents, help­ing them to dis­cover cre­ative ways to com­plete the task. The nights were filled with highs and lows as ro­bots broke but were able to be fixed once more. All in all, the feed­back re­ceived was pos­i­tive. Every­body in­volved had a lot of fun.


Wisconsin State Fair 2011

CORE was re­cently at the Wis­con­sin State Fair! On Au­gust 6-8 2012.  We helped with a mul­ti­tude of events. On the first two days, four mem­bers helped run a LEGO Mind­storm/VEX com­pe­ti­tion as a part of a 4-H show­case. On the third day, eight mem­bers gave demon­stra­tions of VEX,  LEGO, Par­ralax ro­bots and of course our FRC ro­bot. These mem­bers also gave a pre­sen­ta­tion about the 2012 build sea­son and the FIRST ro­bot­ics pro­gram. Our teams CORE’s value of com­mu­nity, re­spect and  vol­un­teer­ing came through as we  as­sisted in other  demon­stra­tion booths.

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