Bag Day… It’s Kind of a Big Deal

Happy Bag Day! We have 4 hours left until we have to bag the robot, and we are still working hard. We have met every day since the last update, but tomorrow we will not be meeting as we all need sleep. As of 7:00 PM CST today, here’s what we have done:

  • Design has finished all of the robot designs. Throughout the week, they have been working with Mechanical to troubleshoot problems on the robot and find solutions.
  • Mechanical has finished the first robot. They have installed the gear manipulator and helped Controls mount the control board. They have also started the intake, climber, and lift mechanisms on the second (practice) robot.
  • Controls has finished the pneumatics system for the robot. Working with Mechanical, they mounted the control boards and guards to the robot.
  • Programming has been working with Controls to fix any bugs that were on the drive system. They have also been updating their code library.
  • Safety has been preparing plans in case of emergencies. These plans include contingencies for lockdowns, lockouts, fire drills, and tornado drills.
  • Chairman’s has been preparing for the competition and their Chairman’s presentation.
  • In addition to writing these posts, Media has been Tweeting progress updates and making more changes to this website which you will hopefully see soon.
  • Scoutagy has released the first edition of their program, which they have begun bug testing.

We will bag the robot before 10:59 PM CST tonight, as we are required to. We have gotten a lot done so far and we hope to get even more done in the next week. Until then, have a great week and keep checking back here for more updates about the team.

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