2012 Rebound Rumble

This year’s game is called Rebound RumbleSM. It is more or less a game of basketballs played by six robots split up between two alliances. Something new this year is that during the first fifteen seconds, teams can communicate with their robots using a Kinect. This section of each game is called “hybrid”. It used to be that the robot had to go completely autonomously. FIRST, This an official summary of the 2012 game:

The Rebound RumbleSM robotics game is played between two Alliances of three teams each. Each Alliance competes by trying to score as many of the basketballs in the hoops as possible during the 2-minute and 15-second match. Balls scored in higher hoops score Alliances more points. Alliances are awarded bonus points if they are balanced on bridges at the end of the match. In matches where opponent Alliances work together to balance on the white bridge, all participating teams earn additional valuable seeding points.

Text used with permission from FIRST. More information on the game and the logistics can be found here.

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